How many bans can you get on Roblox before perma ban? - Gaming Pedia (2025)

According to the information provided in the article, there isn’t a set limit to get a permanent ban on Roblox. However, it is mentioned that you can get banned three times before receiving a permanent ban. The ban durations mentioned in the article are as follows:

1. How many bans on Roblox before a permanent ban?

You can get banned 3 times before you get a permanent ban. The ban durations are as follows:
– 1 day ban – 24 hours from the time the moderation was initiated.
– 3 day ban – 72 hours from the time the moderation was initiated.
– 7 day ban – 1 week from the time the moderation was initiated.

2. Can Roblox bans be permanent?

Yes, Roblox bans can be permanent in some cases. The bans mentioned in the article can even be 30 days or 48 years. In such cases, the user’s account is permanently closed and may not be reopened automatically. It is also mentioned that these bans can happen typically unfairly, without a good reason.

3. What happens after 3 day ban on Roblox?

After a 3-day ban on Roblox, there is a chance to recover the account and reactivate it. This suggests that a 3-day ban is not permanent and the account can still be accessed after the ban duration ends.

4. What can get you permanently banned from Roblox?

According to the information provided, Roblox bans are based on severity. Most of the time, moderation is not perfect, especially in recent times. A permanent ban on Roblox is typically given if you have a clear history of violating the rules or terms of service, or if you engage in activities such as making or distributing exploits, or creating adult games.


This is not a question, but it suggests that there have been updates to the ban durations on Roblox. According to the information in the article, bans can last for 183 days or 6 months.

6. How long do Roblox bans last?

The length of a ban on Roblox varies depending on the severity of the offense. The bans mentioned in the article can last for one, three, or seven days. However, based on the information provided, it is possible for bans to last as long as 183 days or 6 months.

7. What happens if you get 3 warnings on Roblox?

As an average, people who receive minor warnings, such as swearing, may receive 2-3 warnings before a ban. If you are creating sexual games or bypassing chat filters, you may receive a straight 14-day ban, especially if you have a valid email.

8. Can you get a Roblox account unterminated?

If your Roblox account has been banned or moderated, you can contact the Roblox Appeals team to review the situation. They will give the moderation a second look and make any necessary adjustments to your account’s moderation status. However, there is no guarantee that your ban will be removed.

9. Does Roblox delete your account after 3 bans?

Getting banned three times on Roblox doesn’t automatically result in the deletion of your account. According to the information provided, Roblox does not delete accounts just for being inactive.

10. Can you get banned on Roblox for false reporting?

While it is mentioned that false reporting is against the Roblox Terms of Service, there hasn’t been a case where someone has actually been banned for false reporting. However, certain actions or statements made in the reporting process can result in a ban if they are obscene or against the guidelines.

11. Why was I banned from Roblox for 1 day?

As mentioned earlier, Roblox bans are based on severity and can result in different durations. It is not clear why someone would be banned for 1 day specifically, as it would depend on the specific offense and the judgment of the moderation team.

12. Can you get banned for refunding Robux?

According to the information provided, additional moderation actions may be placed against accounts that abuse the refund system or complete unauthorized purchases. This is considered a violation of the Roblox Terms of Use and can result in the suspension of the account for a certain period or removal from the Roblox website.

13. What is a permanent IP ban in Roblox?

An IP ban is the most powerful ban a user can receive on Roblox. It blocks all players on the associated IP address permanently. This type of ban is usually given for serious offenses, and it is mentioned in the article that an appeal can be sent to the provided email address to discuss the ban and potentially have the related account deleted.

14. Is the Roblox 40 method bannable?

This is not a clear question and the information provided is not sufficient to determine what the “Roblox 40 method” refers to. Therefore, it is not possible to say whether it is bannable or not based on the given information.

15. What are the ban rules for Roblox?

According to the information provided, threatening others with real-world or online harm, inciting violence, bullying, stalking, trolling, harassment, intimidation, extortion, and blackmail are not permitted on Roblox. Engaging in these activities can result in bans or other moderation actions.

16. Why did Roblox ban me for unauthorized charges?

Roblox bans users for unauthorized charges because it is a violation of their Terms of Use. Users are expected to obtain permission from the payment account owner (such as a parent or guardian) before making any purchases. Unauthorized charges can lead to the permanent closure of the associated user account(s).

17. Does Roblox ban hacked accounts?

Yes, Roblox bans hacked accounts because exploiting or cheating is considered unfair to all players and creates a poor experience for everyone. It is mentioned in the article that engaging in such activities is a violation of the Roblox Terms of Use and can result in the deletion of the account.

18. How do you check your ban history on Roblox?

Based on the information provided, it seems that there used to be a way to check your ban history in the user’s account settings. However, it is not clear if this feature is still available.

How many bans can you get on Roblox before perma ban? - Gaming Pedia (2025)


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